Thursday, October 31, 2019

The concept of literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The concept of literacy - Essay Example ng it literally and directly applying it as suggested by the text but literacy is about understanding and expanding information beyond the boundaries of its connotations. Indeed, a person may be able read texts but may not be capable of making sense of the text. For instance, an Asian student may be able to read out loud English documents but is inadequate in terms of interpreting the meaning of the words. The student is therefore illiterate of the English language although his literacy is not limited to the language itself because literacy involves other aspects as well such as information and its application in real life situations. It is thus my discourse that literacy is not limited to an individual’s capability to read, write and interpret reading materials but it also incorporates understanding, analyzing and applying them in order to improve lives and benefit one’s self and other people in the different aspects of life. With the rise of the number of students going to college regardless of their learning abilities, it could be said that education is overrated. Education is often associated with literacy however it is not necessarily true that an educated person is a literate individual. Instead, one’s literacy is determined not by his diplomas and schools attended but how he is able to put to use the education he has acquired. In the previous example, the Asian student cannot be completely defined as literate or illiterate. His ability to read aloud English texts does not show his literacy but his inability to understand the readings also does not say everything about his illiteracy. This is because even though the student may not be able to understand the context of the materials written in English but if he comprehends it when it is written in his own language, then there is a big difference. Literacy is not simply about understanding a certain discourse but it is also being able to think independently to decide whether one agrees, disagrees or has

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Life of John Milton Essay Example for Free

Life of John Milton Essay Milton continued to write poetry during this period of study: his Arcades and Comus were both commissioned for masques composed for noble patrons, connections of the Egerton family, and performed in 1632 and 1634 respectively. Comus argues for the virtuousness of temperance and chastity. He contributed his pastoral elegy Lycidas to a memorial collection for one of his Cambridge classmates. Drafts of these poems are preserved in Milton’s poetry notebook, known as the Trinity Manuscript because it is now kept at Trinity College, Cambridge. Family Milton and his first wife, Mary Powell (1625–1652) had four children: * Anne (born 7 July 1646) * Mary (born 25 October 1648) * John (16 March 1651 – June 1652) * Deborah (2 May 1652 – ?) Mary Powell died on 5 May 1652 from complications following Deborahs birth. Miltons daughters survived to adulthood, but he had always a strained relationship with them. On 12 November 1656, Milton was married again, to Katherine Woodcock. She died on 3 February 1658, less than four months after giving birth to a daughter, Katherine, who also died. Milton married for a third time on 24 February 1662, to Elizabeth Mynshull (1638–1728), the niece of Thomas Mynshull, a wealthy apothecary and philanthropist in Manchester. Despite a 31-year age gap, the marriage seemed happy, according to John Aubrey, and was to last more than 11 years until Miltons death. (A plaque on the wall of Mynshulls House in Manchester describes Elizabeth as Miltons 3rd and Best wife.) Two nephews, John Phillips and Edward Phillips, were well known as writers. They were sons of Miltons sister Anne. John acted as a secretary, and Edward was Miltons first biographer. Blindness But in the course of his work for the government, his eyesight had begun to fail, and by 1651 (43) he was completely blind. Death He ended his days in a small house near Bunhill Fields, alone with his wife and a maid. He died in ++1674 (66) without pain or emotion, according to testimony at the time no one in the room noticing his passing. - Published poetry Milton is the author of dramas such as Samson Agonistes (1671) as well as lyrical sonnets, of which the finest were in fact inspired the the death of his second wife. Altogether John Milton would write twenty- three sonnets. In a very real sense therefore these can be considered as exceptions. He uses such moments to express his thoughts and feelings on specific events, historical or personal. In his lifetime, moreover, he was mainly known for his political pamphlets. As a poet during the age of Shakespeare, he was born less than a decade after the death of this one. Milton might have been less appealing than such a master of the English language but he was nonetheless destined to become one of the best writers England would ever know. Having sided with the parliamentarians against the monarchists, Milton would begin a political career with responsibilities comparable to that today of an undersecretary of state for foreign affairs. However the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 will mean that he is both fined and imprisoned in the famous still standing today Tower of London. Eventually pardoned, Milton would from then on lead a rather retired life devoted entirely to writing until his death in 1674. Miltons poetry was slow to see the light of day, at least under his name. His first published poem was On Shakespear (1630), anonymously included in the Second Folio edition of Shakespeare. In the midst of the excitement attending the possibility of establishing a new English government, Milton collected his work in 1645 Poems. The anonymous edition of Comus was published in 1637, and the publication of Lycidas in 1638 in Justa Edouardo King Naufrago was signed J. M. Otherwise the 1645 collection was the only poetry of his to see print, until Paradise Lost appeared in 1667. Paradise Lost Main article: Paradise Lost Milton’s magnum opus, the blank-verse epic poem Paradise Lost, was composed by the blind and impoverished Milton from 1658 to 1664 (first edition) with small but significant revisions published in 1674 (second edition). As a blind poet, Milton dictated his verse to a series of aides in his employ. It reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet affirms an ultimate optimism in human potential. Milton encoded many references to his unyielding support for the Good Old Cause.[31] Milton followed up Paradise Lost with its sequel, Paradise Regained, published alongside the tragedy Samson Agonistes, in 1671. Both these works also resonate with Milton’s post-Restoration political situation. Just before his death in 1674, Milton supervised a second edition of Paradise Lost, accompanied by an explanation of why the poem rhymes not and prefatory verses by Marvell. Milton republished his 1645 Poems in 1673, as well a collection of his letters and the Latin pr olusions from his Cambridge days. A 1668 edition of Paradise Lost, reported to have been Miltons personal copy, is now housed in the archives of theUniversity of Western Ontario. Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, changed into twelve books (in the manner of the division of Virgils Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification.[1] The poem concerns the Biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eveby the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Miltons purpose, stated in Book I, is to justify the ways of God to men.[2] Paradise Lost is widely considered one of the greatest literary works in the English language.[3] The poem begins strong as follows: Of Mans first disobedience, and the fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world, and all our woe (with loss of Eden, till one greater Man restore us, and regain the blissful seat) Some of the famous verses from Paradise Lost include: The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n. The context of this passage is that of Satan not yet really considering revenge. At that point he is instead deciding to make the most of the situation. This is confirmed only a few lines later when he makes the very famous utterance: Better to reign in hell, than serve in heav’n. The following quote is from a point in the work when God is talking with his son and angels about the fact that since angels and man were given free will, it would have been meant changing their nature to have intervened and prevented their sin: The first sort by their own suggestions fell, Self-tempted, self-depraved: man falls deceived By the other first: man therefore shall find grace, The other none Finally, let us consider the following quote where Milton tells us about Eve having been deceived: Greedily she engorged without restraint, And knew not eating death; It interesting to note that even though Paradise Lost was to become considered as a major influential work, it did not meet immediate success when it was first published in 1667. It was not until 1688, a little over ten years after Milton’s death that the poem would start to be widely recognized. Perhaps such late recognition has partly to do with the fact that by the time of his death Milton was not only broke, but he had been alienated out of intellectual life in his own country. In 1670 he would publish his controversial The History of Britain, and in 1671 Paradise Regained, dealing with the temptation of Christ. Milton would die in London on November 8 1674. The same year would appear the second edition of Paradise Lost. - Characters Satan Satan is the first major character introduced in the poem. Formerly the most beautiful of all angels in Heaven, hes a tragic figure who describes himself with the now-famous quote Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. He is introduced to Hell after he leads a failed rebellion to wrestle control of Heaven from God. Satans desire to rebel against his creator stems from his unwillingness to be subjugated by God and his Son, claiming that angels are self-begot, self-raised,[4] thereby denying Gods authority over them as their creator. Adam Adam is the first human created by God. Though initially alone, Adam demands a mate from God. Considered Gods prized creation, Adam, along with his wife, rules over all the creatures of the world and reside in the Garden of Eden. He is more intelligent and curious about external ideas than Eve. He is completely infatuated with Eve, which while pure in and of itself, eventually contributes to his reasons for joining Eve in disobedience to God. Eve Eve is the second human created by God, taken from one of Adams ribs and shaped into a female form of Adam. In her innocence, she is the model of a good wife, graceful and submissive to Adam. Though happy, she longs for knowledge and, more specifically, self-knowledge. Her first act in existence is to turn away from Adam and look at and ponder her own reflection. Eve is extremely beautiful and thoroughly in love with Adam, though may feel suffocated by his constant presence. One day, she convinces Adam that it would be good for them to split up and work different parts of the Garden. In her solitude, she is tempted by Satan to sin against God. Adam shortly follows along with her. The Son of God The Son of God is the spirit that will become Jesus Christ, though he is never named explicitly, since he has not yet entered human form. The Son of God shares total union with God, and indeed is understood to be a person of the Godhead, along with the Father and the Spirit. He is the ultimate hero of the epic and infinitely powerful, singlehandedly defeating Satan and his followers when they violently rebel against God and driving them into Hell. The Son of God tells Adam and Eve about Gods judgment after their sin. However, he sacrificially volunteers to eventually journey to the World, become a man himself, and redeem the Fall of Man through his own death and resurrection. In the final scene, a vision of Salvation through the Son of God is revealed to Adam by Michael. Still, the name, Jesus of Nazareth, and the details of Jesus story are not depicted in the poem.[7] God the Father God the Father is the creator of Heaven, Hell, the World, and of everyone and everything there is. He desires glory and praise from all his creations. He is an all-powerful, all-knowing, infinitely good being who cannot be overthrown by even the great army of angels Satan incites against him. The poem begins with the purpose of justifying the ways of God to men, so God often converses with the Son of God concerning his plans and reveals his motives regarding his actions. The poem portrays God’s process of creation in the way that Milton believed it was done, that God created Heaven, Earth, Hell, and all the creatures that inhabit these separate planes from part of Himself, not out of nothing.[8] Thus, according to Milton, the ultimate authority of God derives from his being the author of creation. Satan tries to justify his rebellion by denying this aspect of God and claiming self-creation, but he admits to himself this is not the case, and that God deserved no such return/ Fr om me, whom He created what I was.[9][10] Raphael Raphael is an angel who is sent by God to warn Adam about Satans infiltration of Eden and to warn him that Satan is going to try to curse Adam and Eve. He also has a lengthy discussion with the curious Adam regarding creation and events which transpired in Heaven. Michael Michael is a mighty archangel who fought for God in the Angelic War. In the first battle, he wounds Satan terribly with a powerful sword that God designed to even cut through the substance of angels. After Adam and Eve disobey God by eating from the Tree of Knowledge, God sends the angel Michael to visit Adam and Eve. His duty is to escort Adam and Eve out of Paradise. But before this happens, Michael shows Adam visions of the future which cover an outline of the Bible, from the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis, up through the story of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Interpretation and criticism The Creation of Man, engraving from the 1688 edition, by John Baptist Medina The writer and critic Samuel Johnson wrote that Paradise Lost shows off [Miltons] peculiar power to astonish and that [Milton] seems to have been well acquainted with his own genius, and to know what it was that Nature had bestowed upon him more bountifully than upon others: the power of displaying the vast, illuminating the splendid, enforcing the awful, darkening the gloomy, and aggravating the dreadful.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

History and Development of Programming Languages

History and Development of Programming Languages Yash Ojha Introduction Programming languages play the most important role in the creation of various  Software’s. Application, and Webpages etc. Just because of the existence of programming languages today everything related to New Technology is possible. For example the various Social Networking sites that we use is a result of Programming Language, the Mobile phones that we use in our daily life is a brilliant outcome of programming as every IC in the circuit of the mobile phones are programmed due to which it works. The most important outcome of Programming Language is the creation of Operating Systems (OS). OS is something without which we cannot use our PC’s or Laptop’s or even our mobile phones. OS acts as a base for every single function of a device to work in short it provides an important platform for the working. If no programming languages were introduced then today it nearly impossible for the people to use computers, mobile phones, servers, and various other things. But thanks to the developers of the various types of Languages that made peoples life very easy and mobile. 1 All about JAVA! Java was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1992 and was officially  released in 1995. JAVA Technology is a programming language that is used for meeting  the objectives of current challenges and opportunities in the present computing realm. Java Virtual Machine (JVM): JVM is an Interpreter for JAVA programming language,   i.e., it is the only way to convert a Byte Code into machine language. The Byte Code  cannot be converted using any technique other than the JVM. Therefore as I said above Byte Code somehow helps Java in being secure. Java Runtime Environment (JRE): We all know that that the major problem with the programming languages before JAVA was platform dependency i.e., if we want to run the code compiled in Windows Xp in Linux, this was not possible as for that we need a special compiler which works in Linux only. So to solve this problem JRE was launched and became a part of java. Every Operating System have some mandatory files that are needed to run java on that particular OS. So in short JRE in the collection of all those mandatory files needed to run java on various OS’s plus JVM. Due to JRE today it is possible to use the code written in some OS in any other OS. So JRE made JAVA completely PLATFORM INDEPENDENT. The byte code is loaded into JVM using the Class Loader. JIT (Just in Time): JIT works as a verifier. It verifies the Byte Code first whether it is infected or not or whether it is holding some kind of virus in it or not. If found clean it forwards the Byte Code to the JVM for further process. JIT is completely responsible for the SECURITY of JAVA. Let’s see the whole process graphically. A.class 2 Now I’ll show you a basic program in java with its output. class Sample { public static void main(Strings) { System.out.println(Hello World); } } Let’s talk about the main() function. The main function is made up of 5 things. Access Specifier Function Name public static void main() Parentheses Access Modifier Return Type Java Fundamentals All programming languages have its own syntax and reserved keywords. JAVA also  has these kind of language fundamentals.   Basic fundamentals of java includes: Java Keywords Data Types Legal and Illegal Identifiers Operators Let’s see every fundamental in detail. Java Keywords: Keywords are the words that convey special meaning to the language compiler. These are reserved for special purposes and must not be used as normal identifier names. Data Types: Data types are keywords are means to identify the type of data and how much memory a variable needs to carry out a particular operation. Data types are divided into two types: Primitive Data Types (8 types) Non Primitive Data Types (User Defined 3 types) Legal and Illegal Identifiers: Identifiers are building blocks of a program and are used as the general terminology for the names given to different parts of the program viz. variables, objects, classes, function, arrays etc. 3 Operators: The operations being carried out are represented by operators. The operations (specific tasks) are represented by operators and the objects of the operation are referred as operands Classes in JAVA Class is a collection of objects of similar types of objects. Objects are nothing but a buffer or an area and are defined by something which have some property and behaviour. In java objects are created in the HEAP Memory inside the Java Virtual Machine. Syntax for creating an object in java: Class name object name=new class name(); new is a keyword of java which when used creates an object in the HEAP. Now whenever we use the new keyword a space in created in the HEAP memory inside the JVM for the object at runtime. When we print the reference variable of some class then it prints 3 things: Class name â€Å"@† symbol Hash code Graphical representation of HEAP and other memory areas available inside the JVM. 4 Principal of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) The object oriented programming has been developed with a view to overcome the draw backs of conventional programming approaches. The OOP approach is based on certain concepts that helps it to attain its goal of overcoming the drawbacks of conventional programming approaches. There are 4 general concepts of OOP: Polymorphism Inheritance Abstraction Encapsulation (it’s a part of abstraction) Polymorphism: It is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form or it can simply be defined as one name used for many tasks which is used to speed up the compilation time. Inheritance: This is a parent-child relationship between two classes. In this, the child class object inherits some properties of the parent class object. Abstraction Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations. Abstraction is divided into two parts: Abstract Class: Abstract class is used to define a rule. Rules in abstract class: All the task which we can perform in a normal java class can also be performed in an abstract class. In abstract class we can define normal method as well as abstract methods. It is not compulsory to have at least one abstract method in a class. If a method is abstract then the class should be abstract. We cannot instantiate (cannot create the object) of abstract class. Abstraction is achieved using extends keyword. Interfaces: Interface are pure abstract methods. A class implements an interface, thus inheriting the abstract methods of an interface. An interface contains the behaviour that the class implements. The class that implements interface is abstract. Syntax: interface my; { declaration of methods;} 5 Rules in Interface: We cannot instantiate of an interface. Interface are used to define the rules purely. All the methods of an interface are by default public and abstract. In case of interface we use the keyword implements. If we define any data member inside an interface than by default it becomes static and final. Interface is used to achieve Multiple Inheritance. Packages Packages is a collection of classes and interfaces. No class can exist without a package included in it. This is the rule of OOP’s. But when we open a class we don’t always make a package in that class, so in this case the rule of OOP’s is violated. So to avoid this problem JAVA has given a feature in its compiler due to which when we compile the program, the compiler automatically creates a package of the respective class during the compile time. Command to compile the program with a package: javac –d . Name of the project current directory is the same location as the class where the package is to be made. Destination. –d . is called the switching tool. Program with a package can be executed by using the Command: Java . Exception Handling When any abnormal condition that comes in a code which can be handled then that situation is known as Exception Handling. For every exception there are exception classes and exception methods to handle that exception in java by default. We can easily handle these unwanted exceptions by using try and catch block. Try is used to detect exceptions in a program and catch is used to handle that The â€Å"finally† block: If an exception occurs in a program then the try and catch block will be executed and then the program terminates in normal condition. But in case of finally before the termination of program finally block also executes. Syntax: try{-} catch{-} finally{-} 6 Threads Every process is divided into two categories: Heavy Weight Processes Light Weight Processes Heavy Weight Processes: These processes are those processes which stores a separate area in RAM. Light Weight Processes: These processes are those processes which occupy memory under the heavy weight processes. These light weight processes which occupy memory under the heavy weight processes are known as Threads in JAVA. Basically there are two ways in which we can make a thread: By directly implementing the runnable interface. By internally implementing the thread class in interface runnable and extending thread class. Multithreading Every part of a program is called a thread and every thread defines a separate path   of execution. Java provides a building support for multithreading program. The multithreaded  program contains two or more parts that execute concurrently. Priority of which thread will start working first is decided by a program named as Thread   Scheduler which is a program of the Operating System. It gives the priority randomly. Synchronization To avoid the corruption of data we use the concept of synchronization in threads. When we share a single object into multiple threads then the chance of data  Corruption arises and to avoid this we need the concept of synchronization. The keyword synchronized is applied on the function where the variables are  assigned values. Due to the concept of synchronization only one thread  executes at a time. Input/Output Stream Streams are nothing but a special type of buffer. In terms of JAVA streams are flow of bytes. Benefits of I/O Stream: Execution time reduces. Performance Enhances. Network congestion chances reduces. We get bulk data at a time. Streams are divided into two types: High Level Stream Low Level Stream High level stream cannot be used alone, whenever we want to use a high level stream we have to connect it by a low level stream. Stream Byte Stream Character Stream Console Based Unicode Input Output Reader Writer Stream Stream Byte Stream Input Stream Output Stream FileInputStream FileOutputStream BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream DataInputStream DataOutputStream ObjectInputStream ObjectOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream PipedInputStream PipedOutputStream 8 Character Stream ` Reader Writer File Reader File Writer Buffered Reader Buffered Writer import*; class Demo0 { public static void main(String args[]) { FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(â€Å"a.txt†); PrintStream ps=new PrintStream(fout); ps.println(â€Å"hello†); ps.println(â€Å"hey†); System.setOut(ps); System.out.println(â€Å"m†); } } This is a sample program of how to write a file by coding in JAVA. Serialization Serialization is the process using which we can convert an object into a stream. If we have to use an object only once and then we need to use the same object after a long time then we use the concept of serialization. Features of Serialization: Only the object of that class can persist which implements serializable interface. If the parent class implements serializable interface then there is no need for child class to implement serializable. In case of serialization transient data members cannot persist. In case of serialization static data members cannot persist. Only the non-static data members can persist. If we make any variable transient that means those variables are unwanted now and will  get no memory in the HEAP inside the JVM. Serializable interface is a type of marker interface. Marker interface are those interface  which have no methods.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Role of the Visual in Todays Society Essay -- Architecture Buildi

The Role of the Visual in Today's Society The role of the visual in today’s society is quite apparent. Beautiful, flashy images are everywhere in the media, and all of them serve the same purpose. The purpose of all of these images is to get you, the consumer to buy the product that is being sold, or at least buy into the idea that a particular product represents. The role of the visual in modern architecture is very much the same. The purpose of the visual in modern architecture is to publicize or privatize a building through any media necessary to create the desired representation, and thereby sell the idea. In the case of Le Corbusier, the goal was to create a very visual and public architecture. He recognized that not everybody would be able to go and personally see his buildings, thus he decided to bring his buildings to them. Obviously Corbusier believed very strongly in the representational value of his buildings, â€Å"I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.† In this quotation Corbusier describes just how important the role of the visual is to him. Experience is not necessary, and neither is discussion, just visualization. In the case of Villa Savoye (Poissy, France 1928-1929) Corbusier created a building based upon his principles of architecture, and the idea of the house as a machine for living. These programmatic elements yielded a simple building that followed his five points of architecture (peloti, ribbon windows, a roof garden, free faà §ade, and free plan). The way in which he composes these elements and ultimately how he represents the building are what make this a truly interesting piece of architecture, instead of a place for storing hay (as the building was once used). The physical appearance of the building (what it would look like if we were to visit) was an attempt by Corbusier to create a truly mechanical building, â€Å"A house is a machine for living in†. The building is built in the middle of a completely flat field, upon which this foreign object is placed, described as â€Å"†¦looking as if a spaceship had landed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The building itself contains many of the same elements that one would find in an ocean liner. Elements such as a roof deck, railings and the curvaceous walls of the roof deck which look like the smokestacks of a ship. While these elements help to create Corbusier’s desired image the wa... ...sen site were an attempt to privatize architecture. All of the photographs of the building that were taken are of the interior, and the comfortable and private spaces therein. Often the images contain furs, which were intended by Eileen Gray to personalize the experience of looking at a photograph. It was also supposed to, in effect bring the people viewing the photograph into her home. This would give them a chance to experience the building for themselves. This is shown by the very few pictures that are taken of the building as a whole, it isn’t about watching E-1027 is about experiencing. This is in direct contrast to Corbusier’s more voyeuristic beliefs about the visual. Although the visual can be used to many different ends in modern architecture, it is used mostly to sell an idea. In the case of these two architects the ideas were very similar and yet opposite. Corbusier chose to publicize his buildings in order to gain a wide audience, which he felt was important, while Eileen Gray on the other hand chose to publicize the privacy of her building. Both interpretations of the role of the visual in modern architecture are an attempt to sell a particular idea to the public.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management Essay

Introduction Transportation is a major development that should be faced well by the society today. It could be observed that this particular section of innovation in the society has actually assisted the entire process of globalization to actually take place within this era of human development.   Undeniably, the development of transport has also increased the capability of the individual merchants in the field of commercial industry to make trade with the others in the global market thus giving them the chance to introduce their products and services to neighboring countries thus increases their chances of gaining higher level of profit from the international market. This is the reason why Ballou actually tried to focus on how much the said face of technological innovation actually affected the lives of the human society today. Consequently though, through his reading, he was able to have a fine understanding and presentation as well that would actually make it easier for the readers to understand the major effects of the process within the lifestyle and the development of the individuals in the society. In his discussion with regards the matter, Ballou points out the major role that transportation plays in the process of global advancement, especially in terms of commercial connections between countries around the world. He points out that one of the major changes that transportation undergoes is the ability of the current system of transport to handle highly technological issues and applications that are embedded within the program of transport to perform better and far more efficient than it did in the past. How much impacting is this report for the current society? Several contents of the book shall give a brief overview of the matter thus assisting in making the process much acceptable for the highly technologically driven society that it caters to today. Content and Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book of Ballou as noted earlier is highly involved with the understanding of the necessary things needed to be given attention in clarifying the systems application as it particularly affects the present trend of economic advancement in the society today. Constantly, movies and other programs today have actually wanted to feature the different kinds of transportation advancements within the global community of the human society today, showing how much beneficial the said inventions are to the lives of the people as compared to the lives of humans before.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The reality however behind the said advancement is not simply dependent on the design and the development of the systems used within the said transport machines. Instead, it is through the application of the systems of information technology that transportation operations today are actually taking into fine consideration for regular operational reasons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In further discussion of the matter, Ballou intended to utilize several actual implications of the system to actually attest to the fact that IT contributes much within the system. In different television programs, the efficiency of both air, land and water-based transportation today actually helps in the process of sending messages and handling security issues for client satisfaction purposes are shown particularly useful for the whole human community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The benefits of highly developed transportation are obviously seen through the developments of the trading businesses around the world. With the use of information technology, the constancy of the arranged schedules of routes that transport vehicles are to take for the sake of on-time delivery purposes become highly organized thus reaching the time-standards of several trading businesses and organizations around the world today. The utilization of logistics systems integrated within the mechanical systems of the transport operations likely increase the competency of the whole system in handling the different responsibilities that are expected for the transport systems to complete. Seeing this particular benefit actually increases the competency of the system to handle further higher responsibilities that are to be placed upon its reliability in the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This time though, the developers of the system are rather making better amends in furthering the operation of the transport systems around the world. Focusing on the capability of the industrialized countries to handle the suggested developments, the researches and studies are still being pursued to at least increase the competency of the programs that are to be further integrated within the transport systems. Once the developing changes are applied, the operation of transport around the world are expected to become much beneficial thus much appropriate for the sake of those who are highly affected by the said technological improvement. Reactions and Overviews   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As noted earlier, the author used authorized sources to support the claims that he further presented in his book. It is through this that he has been able to validate the different issues that he further presented and raised within the context of his writing. At the verge of understanding the specific details that actually increase the competency of the said system, it is highly observed that the author tried his best to present the issues that are involved in the transport operation that particularly affect the lives of the human society directly. The lives of the people around the world are obviously being assisted in becoming highly civilized through the application of transport operations in the system. Overall View of the Reading   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is through this report that it has been clarified how the author tried to clarify the issues with regards transport development that includes the regular dealings of the human society today. For the sake of fast development and wide globalization application in the international trade systems, the development of transportation has actually been noted by the experts of commercial advancement as the primary source of further coalition of the systems for the sake of global advancement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could be noted that this is a major reading that could help in the process of improving the lives of the people in the society. Understanding this particular writing is actually a fine description of the matter that increases the competency of the system that could assist in the progress of the world in improving the globalization systems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the utilization of fine transportation, the development of the different countries around the world is sure to boost thus giving chance to every nation to find a way with which they are able to expand their options in extending their chances for the sake of total globalization. The constancy of the system as required by the new trend of development in the human society as per assessed through the advancements needed for the pursuance of globalization. Reference: Donald Waters. (2003). Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management. Palgrave Macmillan.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Identy in the World essays

American Identy in the World essays Actions speak louder than words. This phrase has proven exceedingly true when one is talking about the image that America portrays to Iraqis. We as Americans can say all that we want about spreading peace and freedom, but Americans in general have no idea what other people on the other side of the world are going through so that Americans can feel safer. Iraqi writers such as Riverbend, Salam Pax, and Fadhil Al-Azzawi point out that even though America says that it is fighting for freedom, there is very little evidence of that from their side of the world. The main theme that comes out of these three writers publications is that America is there for themselves and not for the Iraqi people, and that America is not a giver of freedoms, but rather a taker of freedoms. This is not to say that America has not given Iraq some freedoms, like the freedom to not live in oppression. However it is that taking away of the small freedoms that makes an Iraqi feel free. Everything about and Iraqis daily life is difficult, whether it is worrying about car bombs, abductions, rapes, or whether they will have electricity that day or not. All of these things has made everyday tasks such as sleeping, going to school, watching television, or just listening to music a tremendous task. In Al-Azzawis poem Feast in Candlelight he says, They will drink from the same bottle and watch the evening fall among the trees. Parades of drunken soldiers wave their bloody flags and march down the street(Al-Azzawi 2). This shows the authors image of America as just a bunch of soldiers from a country drunk with power and their victory is paraded by as the righteous killing of Iraqis. As Riverbend says in her blog called Baghdad is Burning, The Iraqi people feel that they are nothing but the new communists from the Cold War era(Riverbend); meaning that they are just something that is m ...